Advanced-ish and realistic arm-gun movement script/system

I’m trying to start making a gun system with a realistic arm movement script, I’m unsure how to really describe it or show it, so imagination is I guess needed.
I thought it would be a good idea to start with the arm movement, so I’m asking about it.

The arm-gun movement is supposed to be something in the lines of, the gun’s barrel, pointing directly at the crosshair but being blocked by objects that intefere with it and the arm somewhat pointing aswell so that it doesn’t look weird, again, I don’t know how to explain it, as it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense in text form.

I have tried to use CFrame, asked people in a different topic more about it, it has not quite worked, and someone recommended something called IKControl, I’m also unsure of what would be more clean/better, like gun movement being seperate from arm movement but being stacked on top of it, or both of them are combined.

Like basic server-sided arm movement and the gun moving seperately, or both the arm and gun move in the same direction/else.

I know that the template says to not ask people to write entire scripts, but considering I have barely any code, and code snippets will be confusing and not work or be pretty broken since there is nothing in between or around those snippets, I’m guessing atleast some full script is required.

I might have butchered alot of words or sense here lol, sorry about that!

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