Advanced Kicking System Concept

Hey there I’ve recently been working on a system that allows you to ban players across servers with webhook tracing included. It also allows you to give image links for evidence and once you kick the player the image you chose will load on their screen and they will also get a blurred kick message. The reason I implemented webhooks is because helps understand who you can trust with your administrator abilities. It also allows you to see ban history by simply searching the ban name through the discord channel the webhook is connected to. Another reason webhooks are a good idea is because they can help insure that the person was banned for the right reason and that they are responsible for what they did. Anyways I would like to ask what people think about this idea? And is image rendering against tos even if I filter it myself or with an AI?

Im pretty sure roblox wont like images that wasnt moderated by thier filters. By the way discord seems to not enjoy thier platform used as logging service, so be careful with that.