Advanced Objects window causes framerate drop on object selection

My framerate seems to tank briefly on my 2-year old Surface Pro 3 (drivers up to date) when I select any object or set of objects through any means (world view, explorer, etc). I have reinstalled Roblox Studio and reset its settings. I narrowed down the bug to the Advanced Objects window. If this window is open, this bug occurs. I have also noticed that the Horizontal/Vertical display modes for this window does not affect it.

Repro rate is 100%. Just have the Advanced Objects window open. Insert a view parts, then box-select them in order. Note the lack of frames. Close the Advanced Objects window. Framerate doesn’t tank anymore.

This bug is happening in production. It is not game-specific. It happens to any game/rbxl I have open in Studio.

In addition, the window’s contents never change no matter what I have selected, I always see the full list of objects. This wasn’t always the case, as certain objects would only show certain other objects to be inserted. Perhaps this behavior is linked in some way? Is the list of objects not being efficiently handled?

This bug has been happening for a while now; I could not pin this down to one specific release.