Advanced platformer game controls!

Always wanted to create an advanced platformer game? these resources may help you!

All of this stuff below has all the essential needs to make a great platformer game!

(some of these scripts are from tutorial sources so they arent 100% made by me)

[ Please note that everything here is entirely free and you do not need to give any sort of credit to me (: ]

Game controls/animations

Here is a video showcasing the animations:

+blur deathscreen

How do I use these animations?

This question is commonly asked a lot, so I’ll show you how to use them for your games.

Open animation editor.
[It’s on the plugins tab list]
Click on the animation editor and you should be seeing this menu.

Then simply select an animated rig (all the rigs have the animations labeled on them)
Click on the 3 dots next to “automatic save”
Then you should be seeing an “export” option, click on it and it’ll open up this page for you:

Then just click “create new”
Repeat this with all the other animations, select them, and export them.
After you’ve exported them all open this script:
(Its the default ROBLOX animation script)
and open the script and paste your animation ids in.

When you’ve done that, your walking animation, idle animation, and jumping animation should be working.

Now onto the running animation, death animation, rolling animation, and double jump animation!

(If you haven’t yet, export these animations)

  1. Double jump
    Select the local script called “double jump” and you should see a roll_r6 animation object in it.
    All you need to do is select the roll_r6 and paste the double jump rolling animation in it.
    and you’re basically done with the double jump animation!
  2. Running animation
    On starterGUI you should be seeing “sprinting script”
    open the sprinting script and just paste your running animation inside!
  3. Rolling animation

There are 2 rolling scripts so just put both of these in your game
Select the one in Serverscriptservice and paste your animations there.

Now, the death animation!
open this script called “animationdeath”
and just paste your death animation here:
(you can also use this localscript in your game if you want a blur death screen)

And that’s all!

Extra stuff

NPC animations:

And this is me doing a little obstacle in the game B)




I’ve had a look at the game and the game uses some things from youtube tutorials and from other sources on the dev forum and just puts them in one place which yes is convenient but is also decieveing as some of the code isn’t optimised or used and so I can’t really call it advanced- Cool animations though

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Sorry about that :sweat_smile: I’ll be sure to mention that in the post.

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I would recommend adding a “Body Velocity” to the rolling system, you roll in place lol Another thing, in “double jump” I would change the animation name to “doubleJump” because “Roll_R6” is very inconvenient.
All of the scripts could of been done in 1 script using “coroutine.wrap”

More info here:

Like @binky007 said
“Cool animations though”

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As a dev that has started recently, this is very impressing. Awesome animations.