Adventure Obby Release Feedback

Hello! I have posted about this game before and I just wanted some final feedback before I release my new game, “Escape The Treasure Island Obby”.

Here are some ingame pictures:

Game Link: (NEW) Escape The Treasure Island Obby! - Roblox

PLEASE NOTE: At the time I am posting this, I still must complete badges/game icon/thumbnails/adverts

I am willing to take any final feedback before the games official release, either about how I should go about advertising + anything about the game that could be improved.

Thanks for reading :smiley:


All I can say is Wow. It looks very nice, I do not have anything that I would change about that. Great job!

Building is nice, lighting is terrible, to fix this add depth of field, colorcorrection, and maybe brighter colors on your terrain


On the lava levels i recommend adding some red lightning, you should add different lightning on every level to make it more interesting

This looks really good, and I like the theme, however maybe add shadows or fog in the cave, it looks too bright to me. Something I would play, nice work :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The game overall is amazing, but once I got to level 10 nothing was there. I don’t know what happened. Also, maybe make the vines look better. Personally, I think they don’t match the vibe of the game.

Thanks for the feedback, for the lvl 10 thing you may have just been zoomed out too far.

The game looks extremely cool. Some suggestions make the boulders look like they’re rolling (as well as giving them a texture possibly) as well as making the falling/dropping rocks fall slower so players don’t have too much difficulty crossing them. I found a bug where you cannot jump onto the boats/rafts on stage 19 (you just fall through them) and you’re forced to stand on the flag.

Hello there, I saw your other post and I’m gonna go ahead and give you some final feedback.

When I joined I liked the more adventure based style with somewhat of a story line, heres some things to consider and look at.

So, through doing more reviews and game testing I come to learn that I have motion sickness. This game definitely made sure to trigger that.

  • The water animations and even the lava animations seem over done and unpolished.
  • I’d ditch the lava/water texture on all hazards because its just an eyesore.
  • The lava hazards doesn’t follow the direction which it should be flowing, nor are the textures reflected on all sides of a hazard.

Though I know you were going for a low poly look, it doesn’t need to be low quality.

  • Work with having better lighting.

  • Various shades of colors for rocks and plants and green.
    Vines…what are those? Change it to something a bit better. Looks like a picture rotten green spaghetti taken by a doorknob


Stages 9-11?

  • Once entering the volcano I believe I am on stage 8 but there’s several checkpoints in the first area which seem not to register when I get on them. It just jumps to stage 11 once you get out of the first area into the second.

  • I think its on stage 9 with the beams over the lava but one of the wooden blocks doesn’t inflict damage to the player, yet the supports do. (Talking about the middle beams)

  • Rock colors here in the volcano should be darker and the lighting should be more appropriate for the setting

  • The boulders looks so funny and crude, fix them up a bit and add a proper rolling animation.

Stage 13
Hazards overlap at odd places, and somehow I managed to die and activate the Stage 14 checkpoint.

Stage 16
This is where i concluded that there shouldn’t be textures on the hazards.

Stage 19
You just fall through the boat unless this is a feature but it just looks like a bug.

Stage 23
I just walked through the side of the building, also the building would look much better with different colors.

End Thoughts + :eyes:

So, at first this does look pretty enjoyable but mainly the poor looks of it really takes away from the excitement you’d have when starting it.

This is a good project for someone who is just starting out and its something to learn from.

Out of Bounds images (You should also probably also fix this, but I’ll take it as a good feature. :+1:)
I had more fun going to places I shouldn’t be by using the paths and speed/boost buffs at the end.

Much luck with the release there were already a few people playing when I started reviewing,


The vine texture should be updated to be higher quality. Also, you should color code blocks in-game, for example darker rocks fall while lighter rocks don’t.

Another thing is the boat obstacle in where you must land on the sail. You should probably say this somewhere or have the boat deck slightly under water.

I agree with Abcreator’s remarks about increasing the quality of the vines. They look a bit low quality and in my opinion don’t 100% fit with the style of the game entirely.
Also just wondering why do the boulders not disappear until they’re far away from where they appear