Advertisement Didn't Work Due To Private Game

Hey everyone!

I recently ran a User Ad (the funny image ones on the website) on one of my games, but I forgot to make the game public beforehand. Because of this, nobody was able to play it after clicking on the ad. I tried to contact Roblox Support to see if I could get it run again but I’ve had no luck getting through to a real person. Has anyone experienced anything similar, and how would I resolve this without just biting the bullet and spending even more money?

Also. does this belong in this topic? IDK where I should post this haha


Unfortunately, I don’t think there is any solution to this. I had a similar issue when sponsoring a game but i realised after an hour or so when I realised it was still private but i don’t think there is a way to get a refund on the lost robux sadly.

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That really sucks… how do we bring that up to RBLX staff? I mean, they probably won’t do much about it becase

  1. $$$
  2. It’s a stupid mistake

But we could at least like try to mention it? So we can say we did?

Theres no universal way to contact roblox customer support or staff, goodluck.

Bro wth!!!

Is there a way we could like “ping” a staff member to get their opinion on all this?

This is incorrect, many Roblox staff are active on the DevForum, I’ve contacted them in the past and they answer about 75% of the time. If one doesn’t answer just move onto the next. Eventually one will reply to you.


Oh, that’s a relief! How would I contact one? Doing like an @[[NAME OF STAFF MEMBER]] ping on one of my posts?

here let’s try getting @Kairomatic or maybe @chewbeccca in here to figure this out

Should have mentioned this to you but I don’t think they will be able to help with this. As far as I’m aware, user ads do not allow refunds unless Roblox goes down for maintenance. I would also suggest migrating to the Ads Manager as user ads are going to be removed in Q1 2024. It allows ad creation through “ad credits” which can be obtained by purchasing them using robux (1 credit = 285 robux), I’m pretty sure you will be able to obtain these credits by purchasing them with IRL currency soon.

Well, that sucks. :frowning: :stuck_out_tongue: :frowning:

Thanks for ur help tho

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