Advertisements or Sponsors

I want to have a concurrent player count of around 10-50 players at least.

I’m not sure whether I should sponsor or advertise my game to start getting players on my game.

This is what it looks like so far:

Does anybody have any suggestions on whether I should sponsor or run ads? Also, how many players would 10k robux sponsoring give me?


in my opinions advertisements don’t work since people click on them to view your game, which majority dont (and a lot of people have adblockers)

Sponsors on the other hand, show the actual game on the page and catch a lot more people


Alright. Thanks for the advice.

In addition to that, games can be sponsored on all platforms, but ads can only run on the website.


I strongly disagree with the other two posters. Sponsors never work for me, but ads bring in quite a bit of revenue.


This is an age old question. There is not a clear consensus on this. The majority swears by sponsors, but a good percentage of devs find that they do better with ads. My advice would be to try putting a little (like 200 to 600 robux) into both just to see what happens.


Advertisements do work, you just need a seriously interesting ad for the best effects. I’ve seen it work before and that’s how a lot of false advertising works on the platform. Even games with terrible scripts/modeling/whatever you want to consider even get players. I don’t see how advertising doesn’t work because there is problems on the current platform caused by UGC ads.

Yeah. But if you’re running a sponsor for computer most computer users use the website anyways.

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Alright. I’ve always used ads before in the past but I’ve never tried sponsors. I think I’m going to see how sponsors work out for my game.

It’s strange because when I sponsor and advertise for the same amount the advertisement gets more clicks yet the sponsor got me a stream of players for the next week or so, overall the sponsor was a lot better for me.

Interesting. I’ve always advertised. I’ll see how sponsoring works out for my game.

For Something Like This Personally A Sponser Would Be Good As You Have A Good Logo and game icon.
Good luck and have a great day. :smiley:

Thanks for the feedback. :slight_smile:

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Like the game I played it to level 12 where I died

And yes I would sponsor it