Advertising for a Simulator

Hey forum,

I am making a simulator and it’s halfway done.

How much Robux should I put into ads and sponsorships on release? I have a total of 50k for release.
I have 2 Ads made, one for a code “Release” and one as a normal cartoony ad, both made by tkirax.

What should the schedule be for the first 1-2 weeks of release should I do a soft release or come out strong? How much robux should I put into the sponsorships and advertisements? Etc.


I’d recommend 20k each, and save 10k for badges, thumbnails, etc.

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Thumbnails badges gamepasses etc are already made

Oh, alright! If so, you can use all your funds, but I don’t want to pressure you. I would honestly save some just in case you need to pay somebody for commissions, etc

I’d experiment. Split your budget evenly over the weeks. I wouldn’t come out too strong if it were the first week of advertising, just in case it fails. For me, I’d start out a little softer. If a lot of players are getting to play your game, then I’d spend more the following week. I would put more on sponsoring, though. However, things may change, especially if your game is fun or not.

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