Advertising Issue

Hey guys!

Recently today, I tried uploading an AD, which is in the same size and correct file type (.png)

This is one of the ads:

The issue is, it won’t let me upload my AD, saying that it’s “the wrong size” or an “incorrect format/file”

If ANYONE knows a great solution, please let me know!


What was the issue? You never really stated an issue…

The issue is, it won’t let me upload my AD, saying that it’s “the wrong size” or an “incorrect format/file”

Maybe you didn’t size it correctly? the file type seems right.

I double checked, and it’s in the correct size.


Your image is 159 x 601 pixels

A skyscraper ad is 160 x 600 pixel

I think it has to be exact.

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Quite impossible. I double checked the size and it’s appropriate for the requirements. I use, and usually, they’re sizes are correct.

The one posted here looks like this on my end:

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I just tried the “Paint” Desktop App for Windows 10, it worked, but the size had to be stretched a bit.

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Oh wait, I messed up a bit with size. Roblox, why do you make things complicated?!

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It isn’t that complicated, I’d suggest if you can’t afford Photoshop to use paintdotnet ( It’s a good alternative, there’s many others as well but that’s what I used prior to getting photoshop.

I also resized the ad in Photoshop for you

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Thank you for converting it! Sadly, the size it is at is 159 x 601.

That’s really odd actually, probably an exporting issue.

In you can create a new canvas and size it to 160x600, and then just paste your ad and size it.

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I dropped it into paint . net and resized. This should be perfect.

Try this one, I think it is the exact size.

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