Advertising my game without spending robux

Hello developers! Overtime, I have always wanted to advertise my game, but I could not find many ways to do it because I am kind of broke on robux! :cry:

If possible, is there some ways I could get my game out to the public without spending a dime?

And yes, I have used Youtube Shorts. Although, the video did very poorly. But I can most definitely try again, just any tips on it would also be great!


Look into digital marketing outside Roblox. As you say, you’ve posted some YouTube Shorts. If you can manage it, I say look into other platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and Twitch. That last one is for livestreaming. Some games are more suited to that than others. You can also reach out to existing content creators instead of being the content creator. Make sure when you do this though that the creator would actually line up with the game’s audience. If you email a YouTuber to play your horror game, and they only play cozy games, then you likely shouldn’t message that person.


I can try! I’ll try making several new shorts to promote my game and spread it to my socials! If that doesn’t go so well, I’ll reach out to other creators. I’ll tell you how it goes!


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Thanks for the help and all- but if I had money, I probably wouldn’t be having this issue. Right now I am just some lousy teenager without a job.

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I suggest getting a job. Roblox devlopmnt WONT get you anywhere.

True, but right now I am just making games on Roblox as a passion.

go to another engine if you’re passionate about game devlopin

Sorry, but I am not really going to quit…

That’s the worst advice i think I’ve ever seen on devfourm… Won’t work, go somewhere else is basically what you said. Furthermore, how is switching engines going to get more users/players.


Twitter, YouTube Shorts, & Tiktok are pretty much free advertising. Might wanna look into those, u just need to post a lot of fun videos about ur game until one blows up

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Social media is an extremely efficient way to advertise your game. If you can get a couple youtubers/tiktok creators to play your game, you will see exponential growth in your game. (Regardless of what they say about it)
Even small youtubers will bring players to your game.


why are you here then if you believe that…