Advertising someone's else's game through my game

I’ve thought of one way I could maybe get income from my game, but I’m not sure if It’s against roblox TOS or not. I was thinking of maybe doing a system where developers could pay me robux in order to obtain an advertisement in my game, like a board in the map with an image and all stuff. They’d pay X robux and I’d add their game to the board.

I know I can advertise my own games through my games, but what if I want to advertise someone else’s because they paid me robux? Does anyone know if is that against roblox TOS?

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This is soon to be implemented with teleportation advertisements in games. IT is being worked on right now. I do not think your idea is viable as this will likely come out soon. Cool idea though!

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Yeah but is asking them to give you robux in order to me to advertise his game allowed?

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I mean, from my skim over the rules, you are allowed to do this. It’s just likely pointless as the teleportation advertisements will do the same thing without you needing to make “deals”.

I wouldn’t suggest it, but go ahead if you want to. I would suggest you skim the rules too before doing it.

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Alright thanks, I’ll read the rules and stuff. I wanted to do it this way because Immersive ads pay you by the impressions you make and stuff, but I prefer them paying me for me to add it.

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