Advertising without robux

Just thinking ahead for my game, would a youtuber with 11k subs doing a youtube vid on my game affect my game’s popularity? Orangeez is a good friend of mine, and he told me he would do a video on my game when it came out as a "How to get -blank- in -my game name- "

This is his channel: Orangeez - YouTube

Should I consider other advertising options?


I think you should sponsor the game, people will either see the video, want to play the game but forget “the link down below” is a thing, see the game in their front page and click it, or they just see the sponsor and play, then want to figure out how to do something, boom, win-win situation.

Your friend’s channel wouldn’t draw popularity to your game. Despite having 11K subscribers the number of views their videos receive is consistently low, meaning not many people would end up playing your game at all.


If possible, I would consider just advertising with the money you currently have. The likelihood of a game gaining traction with a small advertising budget is pretty slim, but the odds would be far more favourable than using your friend’s channel.

At the time of writing this, a bid of just R$100 on a skyscraper advert would generate an estimated 9447 impressions, which would accumulate a lot more visits than the videos would. I definitely recommend this over the choice of using the YouTube channel.


Just sponsor it. A tutorial for a game no one knows about on a channel pulling ~300 views isn’t getting you any players.

I’ve got an idea. There’s a game known as Group Recruiting Plaza (GRP in short). This is how the game works:

  1. Stay in the game to earn points known as GP.
  2. Use those GP to get a booth.
  3. click the booth to edit and write something like “Join Demon Studios Today!”
  4. People come near your booth, ask info then they probably will join too!
    I hope this helps!

Group Recruiting Plaza 6.5 - Roblox is the link to the game. It might have less players, but it helps a lot. Go in the biggest server so you have a better chance of people coming to your booth and hence people joining!