Hello everyone! At the moment my game is only alive whenever sponsors are being run. The sponsors do fine but as soon as the day ends when it dies out it drops dead. It’s a little discouraging to see that happen. The game is a block building game where players are free to build whatever they want. (You can check it out here if you’re curious) The question that I’m trying to ask myself is what are other free build games doing right that I’m not? What keeps their players coming back to theirs that mine aren’t? Personally, I think part of the issue is griefing. I’ve thought about removing the ability to remove other people’s blocks but people really like to spam garbage in the middle of the map and it just makes any damage more permanent. What are your ideas?
Its pretty fun to be honest.
One thing I would change is turning down the EnvironmentSpecular
. These blocks in the screenshot are brown, but my friend (i am very slightly colorblind) says they are gray.
On the side of gameplay, I think you should have a toggle switch to show/hide other player’s builds, so that you can still build in an area that has blocks placed everywhere. Another option would be to have an area where friends of the area’s host are allowed, sorta like a private lobby.
I think that the Inventory should close once I select a block. I dont like having to click E again.
The floor should not turn yellow when hovering over it. It is annoying.
The particles are extremely nice, but you need to limit the amount a player is able to have placed down. They increase the server memory quite a lot when you spam them.
Overall, I think that the assets are very well made, and I think that you should save up 10-15k Robux and send out advertisements. People love free-roam games, and this one is no excuse.
Its well made but the problem is theres an alternative thats wayyy better and its studio team create, everything you have can be done by people with f3x on a baseplate plus they dont have to pay for things like flying, I think if you gave it something that made it worth playing people would stick around longer, what that is I dunno but right now its “pay to build better and possibly get annoyed by other players”
Nice game.
You need replayability. I would suggest adding plots or two portals that allow you to either build with others or build solo. You could add different types of blocks (stairs etc) I’d suggest adding a tp tool as it helps you get to your friends who try to avoid people who like to ruin builds faster. You can add daily login rewards or blocks to unlock, tools etc… There are some small bugs like the floor flashing but overall it’s fine.
I don’t think it’s much to do with gameplay because your game isn’t bad, it’s probably your sponsors. Try switching to ads and creating a good ad to send out and maybe have a youtuber play your game. Your game is similar to free draw, maybe take notes from that game/community.
I love the cartoony vibe to this game. (Just gotta say that.)
I think that if you would allow players to ‘save’ their progress and resume where they left off it would encourage people to come back with friends and show them what you’ve built! Of course, you’ll then have to do data saves, etc, but it will be worth it! Next up, ads, I suggest you make clicky ads but not clickbait. Clicky is making an attractive ad that stretches the truth, something your average Roblox player wants. Clickbait is telling a lie, we all hate clickbait. Also, I suggest making mini-games such as the Minecraft-inspired Build-Off where a group of users will compete and whoever has the best build will win a prize. That brings me into currency, I suggest you add some sort of currency that you would get on login for a daily reward, you would also be able to gain currency by winning a game mode.
Your game has so much potential, just put in some more hard work and it’ll pay off!!