Advice for Homestore Needed

Hello! I’m roses, and my partner, @FxllenCode, and I are currently adding clothing into our home-store for our group, c h a i n $. Fallen came up with the idea to make the mannequins in the window like they are in real life. (wigs, hats, etc.) So we need some opinions on the options we have, and whether to continue with the idea or not. Please take note that we aren’t looking for feedback on the outfit, but which of the 3 options will look best.

  1. Decorated mannequin with a face.

  1. Decorated mannequin with no face.

  1. Plain mannequin.

We aren’t sure which option to take. If you have any opinions, please let us know! We really could use the help.

  • Dressed up with face (option 1).
  • Dressed up with no face (option 2).
  • Plain mannequin (option 3).

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Decoration looks nice but it may make your game that little bit laggier and take more time to add.
I’d go with decoration and face but it depends on your deadline or how much time you got :slight_smile:

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So it doesn’t look weird to have a face? Which option was your favorite?

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my favorite ^
No I don’t think it’s that weird, it makes the store feel more alive/friendly and I’ve seen other stores do it before

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Got it, thank you so much for your input!

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I’d say a plain mannequin without a face, adding a face would make it appear alive which is strange considering it is a mannequin

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We have that on the inside, we were think we put decorations through the windows to attract people inside, not all of the mannequins with decorations. Do you still think it’s weird? Here is what the look like when not displayed:

Quick update: We added a poll so you can quickly give us feedback! Comments are appreciated though!

The second one looks best to me. It’s a good middle ground between the other two.

The face makes me confuse it with an NPC. Now, if the figure had a face, you made a posed render out of it, and you put a picture of that render up as a decal, that would be a different story. Clothing stores in the real world put up posters like that all the time. I might be wrong, but I suspect doing this would really set your store apart from the competition.

Without the hair it looks odd because it has a non-neutral skin tone. If the skin was made light grey (on the no-hair figure) then I think it would be more viable.


Alright, thank you for your feedback! :grinning:

Still looking for some more feedback, we want to know why you chose what you chose! Thank you!

Make the mannequins have no skin color; they look too much like people.


1 Option is better, 2 and 3 option scares me LOL

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I think option 2 would be best, because you’re displaying all accessories, and not just clothing. which was option 3

And if you wanted a mannequin in your window, it should be a mannequin and not a person. If it was option 1, then it would look like a person was being displayed in the window and not a mannequin.

Hope my comment helped. Good luck on your homestore @chainedrxses and @FxllenCode! :happy1: