Advice for my new open world game?

How’s it going Forum

Today I’m here asking for advice on my new game. It was released about a week ago and it’s been good so far, I’m looking for some solid advice from fellow Developers on how I can push this one to the top, whether that’s feedback on overarching game design or monetization, all appreciated.

I’m not looking for simple feature requests, such as “add storage crates”, the game is very much a work in a progress and features and content are to come (although unique perspectives welcome). I’m looking for overarching design feedback, as well as monetization advice. Money is important, after all.

Also, my monetization number thing (robux / visits) isn’t doing so hot. At best, it was 0.3. It averages at 0.15 or so.!/about

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Its not an advice but… Your game is good :bangbang:
I like it !

Hello there!
I think this game is great! I played it for a while and was able to get a decent grip on its mechanics and gameplay. After playing the game, there was just one thing I thought of that I think you could add to the game map.

Now I think this applies more towards the green area of the map since the towns are more spread out apart. The thing I noticed is that between these towns, all of it was just trees, nothing else. I found that quite boring as there is so much room to do more (Im also taking into account that the game is new). Now there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that whatsoever. I just think maybe adding small huts or cabins here and there that are not visible on the map would be a nice touch to the game. Again this isnt important whatsoever, but I think would be a great visual addition to the map.

Im glad to see your game doing well, and I hope my feedback is somewhat useful!