Advice on how to improve monetization

Just recently I released my game for free from paid access, and I’ve seen a jump in player count however my revenue has gone down slightly. It’s only been about 2 days and I’m not very worried, however I am looking for some help and ideas on what other monetization features/gamepasses I could add to help with this issue. I already have some ideas in mind such as custom crosshairs/sounds, but I am still open to more thoughts. My game is an aim trainer designed to help you practice with your mouse control and overall aiming ability. The only thing people are able to purchase at the moment is access to the rest of the game’s features (extra scenarios, specific-game routines).

Game link - AIMSTARS - FPS AIM TRAINER - Roblox


Do you have currency in the game ? If people want to get more currency , then they have to pay to get more.

You can also do a subscription type like of thing.

There isn’t a currency because it’s an aim-trainer and I don’t see any reason why you would need it.

Honestly an aim traner doenst makes that much profit or no profit. So you should make gamepasses like guns but not for a high robux price but somewhere around 100. And dont spend much robux on advertising.