Advice on lighting?

I’ve been going back and forth and only Shadowmap looks decent, but it’s too cartoony and dark for my taste. Any ideas on how I can improve the lighting?

I really like the one they used in Bloxburg though I’m not too sure what they used.


I like how that looks. It quite reminds me of 2000s games such as GTA:San Andreas (especially in the last one). If you’re looking to make i look more realistic, I would change the ambient/outdoor ambient properties and use color filters to make it look better (tonemapping).
Hope it helps :slight_smile:

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Did you try changing the lighting to future? It could also be the materials you’re using. Low quality materials sometimes look cheap, but if you don’t have it I can get you a high quality materials pack with like 5k materials? Btw the build looks awesome

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This one is Shadowmap (original)

And this one is future:

To me Shadowmap looks good I just need to find tricks to make it less dark.

I fear that changing the ambience won’t affect the indoors which is my main issue. As you can see the lights aren’t strong enough and I don’t know how to light things up better. The chandelier lights light up the ceiling, but there’s nothing lighting up the floor? Maybe I’m too paranoid.

Ah i see your point, what you could do is use a (correct me if I’m wrong i haven’t opened studio in a while) light beam, set the size of the light to probably max and hide the origin right under the ceiling. It’s been a while since I’ve been on roblox studio so I apologize if this doesn’t make any sense. You could also put the origin right on the side of the wall lights which will make it seem like it’s coming from those and it’ll be more convincing. Hope this helps : )

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This lighting looks alright, it’s very dark though. If you want to, you can turn of all shadows in the game or just for specific objects.

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