I need some advice and some help with making my models. So far I am making a finding game and I have a lot of ideas for it. Currently I’m making some gems to improve my color choice skills(I’m not sure this is a skill). Im making these crystals, black and white, abyss, crystal cavern, futuristic, and frost. Im not sure exactly what to call them. I also need some help on color choices and some tips! Also if theres any crystals you want to recommend then please tell me.
Hi! Color choice is always difficult, but here are some guiding principles I like to use.
First: What is the goal? Are you trying to make it stand out? Are you trying to make it blend in? Depending on what the goal is, the colors, or color will be different.
Second: The color wheel. While the color wheel doesn’t cover every color, it does give you a base to work off of.
Third: Pastel colors don’t go with solid colors.
Finally, the two that stand out to me as looking off are the white/blue, and black/blue. The white/blue is cool, I’d just switch the two.
These are very nice!! I think the last two on the right could use some fixing though. They look nice, But the colors and the order of the colors don’t look as nice as the others.
These gems are beautiful. I’m worried that players would have a hard time differentiating between the 2 crystals on the right. In your finding game, maybe a player would spy it from a long way away and lose valuable time and think that one crystal was a different crystal. Maybe make the dark tones on the leftward gem less dark. That wouldn’t help, but it definitely needs that.