Advice to make a game

I want to make a sword fighting game, but I’m new to scripting, so can you guys give me any helpful advice?


I am not a scripter, but this is on behalf of everyone else: Can you be more specific? What part of a sword fighting game in particular? You might as well be asking how to script a game, in general.

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I’m talking about the scripting part.

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Learn how Roblox’s Lua works and it’s mechanics, there, the simplest answer I could ever give.

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Yes, we all know that, but anything in particular? How to script a loot box? So that someone dies from a sword? Powerups? Sprinting? How to level up? A money system? How to save data? How to teleport players? You’re really not giving any information. If it’s this general I’m not sure how anyone can help you.

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I’d agree with UkraininanDeveloper, focus on learning more LUA before making a game. The wiki is helpful, and there are also some good sources on devforum.

No! I want to know how to script a sword fighting game, not that.

Dude, you have to learn how to do something before doing it. Unless you want to hire someone else. You can’t make a pizza without learning how to, our you could go to a restaurant.

Please ask professional questions, there are many scripts in a game and you must design a game first to know what to script.

Improve on scripting then make the game, you generally need to know remote events/functions, tool instance API, hit detection, and more.

This may help.

we aren’t going to make the game for you, so you must design the game and ask specific scripting questions.

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No! I want to learn how to script a sword fighting game! Not about knowing about how to script.

Ok if you don’t want to learn to script then take swords from the toolbox then put those swords in starterpack. And there it is. A sword game without coding.


I think you may find helpful a reply that I gave to another user with the same question:

You have to understand how to script before you can script a sword fighting game. No one’s going to script the entire game for you (unless you pay them).

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To add on to my general scripting advice in my last reply: For advice relating specifically to sword fighting games, you may want to focus more on game design than programming. How do you want the game to run? Do you want it to be a round-based game? If so, you need to design a basic game loop. What are the conditions to win in your game? Do you want to have two competing teams and the winners are members of the team with the most kills? Do you want a free-for-all where the player with the most kills wins, or do you want a survival round where the player who wins is the last one alive?

Exactly what it means to make “a sword fighting game” is up to you and your creativity. Try to think about what specifically you want the gameplay of your game to look like and go from there. If you already know a little about how to script, then you may know how to get started on your own, but either way, knowing exactly what you’re trying to do makes it possible for you to ask more specific questions and receive more specific answers.

I hope this helps!

One thing before I continue with this, if you’d like to be able to solve bugs, I’d recommend learning the basics of lua, otherwise you may have bugs that you won’t be able to fix. Also, Search before posting, this can help you find something.

Here are some tutorials that you can follow if you’d like to!
@ZingoDev_YT Made a minigame tutorial.
Keep in mind, there are no free scripts, you have to do the entire thing yourself. He shows how to make a basic sword fighting minigame in this series. keep in mind, you will have to add things to this.

Also! @Alvin_Blox made a sword fighting tutorial as well!

These are all playlists.


Thanks for the tutorials dude.