AEGIS International | Credits

This post is about the group: AEGIS International


Main Hub

This section is dedicated to the amazing individuals who have helped shape AEGIS into what it is today, through studio tools, coding knowledge and artistic talent:


dylanjkl - Builder, Programmer, 3D Modeler, Graphical Artist, UI Designer, Animator, Game Designer
coded_jkl - Programmer, Graphical Artist, Animator, UI Designer


antonio6643 - Programmer
IjevinSC - Programmer
bloututh626 - 3D Modeler
Plague_Doct0r - 3D Modeler
maddi_jkl - 3D Modeler
Clloned - 3D Modeler
Puppy_Ryan - UI Designer
bloo_jkl - Builder
testiwaldi - Builder
Wilylol - Graphical Artist
xMarshxl - Graphical Artist
Nicholas_Foreman - Programmer
Mister_Pandorios - Concept Artist
dmksa123 - Programmer
Zoned_JJ - Graphical Artist
BabyHades_2 - Animator
Frog0fWar - Voice Actor


PatheticYourmom - Day of Dusk OST (Soundtrack)


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