Aero Development Team
About Us
Hello, this is a group that can be, in some ways, considered a contracting group without the contracts. Valuable time has been spent trying to set up the group and now we are ready to add to the team.
Available Positions
- UI/UX Designer
- Clothing Designer
- Modeler
- Builder
- Scripter
- Terrain Builder/Editor
How to Apply - COMING SOON
There will be a link to apply for one of the available positions listed above. Also, after applying for this role, it could take up to 5 days to get back to you on your application status.
You will be paid based on the budget of the client. As the Owner, I take a 25% cut of the profit. We will offer compensation under certain conditions where you have been scammed.
Contact Us
You can reply here on the Developer Forum or contact me on Discord at dom41555#7321.
You must be 13 years or older to apply for a role.
Thanks for reading!