Aerodynamics Help

Hello there! I have been trying to create an aerodynamic gliding system for my game for quite a while now, and I have not been able to figure it out. Basically, I want to be able to create a system where the player is able to glide through the sky just like is done in “Bird Simulator” or how Minecraft’s elytra work. I want it to have the forces calculated based on the angle of the player. I have a body gyro to rotate the player headfirst as if they are diving, now I just need the gliding ability, and as I have said, I cannot figure it our. Any help is appreciated!

Well I hope you like physics calculations lol. Essentially you’ll need to counter act gravity. My first thought would be VectorForce apply it to the center of mass. Force = Mass*Acceleration. Gravity is an acceleration. So to counter act gravity you’ll need an upward force = to the mass of the character model + glider etc… * gravity. To move upward you need to add to that acceleration. To fall you need to reduce the force.
AccelUp =,1,0) * TotalMass * (Gravity + UpAccel)
AccelDown =,1,0) * TotalMass * (Gravity - DownAccel)
Its more complicated of course but this should get you started. There are probably other ways to do this too but using this way you’ll want to adjust how much acceleration based on the angle your tilted.

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