AeroJump [V1.0.2] | Platform inertia system

Ive decided to opensource and release the system ive made that allows players to stand and jump (maintain inertia) on moving platforms seamlessly (regardless if the platform is CFramed or uses physics!)

The goal of this was to provide a seamless drag and drop system that would allow players to stand and jump on moving platforms (without the risk of falling off).


How does it work?

The system was inspired by @EgoMoose Wallstick system, where they utilize a fake physics world mirroring the real world (in order to cancel the effects of the builtin platform inertia system), but in practice although a great system, it wasnt seamless enough for what i was looking for and required me to work around the system.

To solve this, aerojump instead clones the current platform and uses it as the collider while disabling collisions on the original (rendered) platform. (simplified)



Other players have their accurate positions replicated in local space coordinates relative to the platform. (credits to @Tyridge77 for the heads up in

The system uses parallel luau (actors) and runs ~ 0.3ms per frame (without players being replicated).



Place the package into serverscriptservice and modify the attributes if necessary.
Add a tag (default tag name is primary) to each object you want the system to identify as a platform.



aeroJumpV1.0.2.rbxm (11.1 KB)


looks cool, will be using it in the future


That’s cool but I found an issue, it doesn’t work anymore when the player resets.


Found another issue:

External Media
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Ummm, I just realized that I still have the bug where it doesn’t work when the player resets.

Edit: My bad, I didn’t see there was a link to download the latest version, sorry


I feel like this could be easily extended into jump momentum system even when not on a platform, i think this will give this resource many more uses and popularity.

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Thats outside the scope of this system but ty for the suggestion!