Hey guys, I recently finished the exterior of this aesthetic low poly cafe. Can I get some feedback on it?
Hey guys, I recently finished the exterior of this aesthetic low poly cafe. Can I get some feedback on it?
It looks cute, I like all of the colors you put in it. It makes it look really vibrant. Good job!
I also really like the mix of colors, makes it a bit easier on the eye. If anything, I’d maybe consider adding some sort of pattern/texture to the beige looking floor connected to the front of the door. Look good though!
Pretty good! Keep the good work up!
Hey there!
This build looks really cute and is pleasant to the eye! I love the mixture of pastel and light colors you used! I think that everything is pretty solid, however adding onto xbr_ookie’s comments, a nice cartoon-y texture to go on that exterior flooring would add a lot and grab the attention of people instead of looking at a blank block. It would also recognize it as an outdoor patio scene to go along with the entrance!
Another thing you could add is something on the roof (unless you were going for the flat roof aesthetic!!), such as a simple wedge and brick on top of that to give it a bit more density. This doesn’t necessarily have to cover the whole roof, by the way! It could be more on the right middle side of the roof.
Otherwise, it looks really good! Great job!!
Looking at the cafe layout I’m liking the color pallet and warmer colors implemented to the building do you plan on making an interior? Or is that still being worked on.
Focusing on the exterior i feel like there’s some more you could do to spice up the cafe appearance place entrance seating, lighter/green plants the plants you’ve added look dark add variety of trees instead of repetitive. The entrance is alright love the vegetation around it I just feel like the entrance is plain.
You may also want to include an outdoor fireplace perhaps stand the flooring texture to something more interesting and attractive the floor, chairs kind of blend in with the objects making it unappealing.
Try placing outdoor lighting lamps building lighting could possibly improve it. Other then that it’s good can you take a screenshot on the interior?
Interior is worked on now 30 chars
I like your design with the grass but I suggest to add more detail with the outside of the house, maybe pull out some of the walls or make it look modern instead of only a flat wall.
The category of this post is wrong. Please change it to #help-and-feedback:cool-creations. ^^
I have changed it, thanks for that. Will do next time!
Cute café, feels a little cookie cutter. Try adding some detail or else really nice. Try experimenting with lighting.
Looks nice, but it’s quite basic. Even with low poly creations you can still create things that are very visually appealing, and I think you have the potential too! Look up references of environments and find little details you can incorporate into your build.
It looks like you were looking for the cartoony type of build. I really like it. I think you should download the realistic grass plugin and work with that because it will def make this look more “cartoony”.
The trees look the same, also we can’t see the inside.
Exterior was what I wanted feedback on.
Your cafe looks very nice so far! The small grass textures and crates add a lot to the exterior. Some things I might suggest changing is the transparency of the windows, and lighting. I think you should also try to incorporate more changes to the level of the landscape- based on the images it looks flat. Other than that, nice job, keep up the good work!