After most recent update, games in Studio AND played on Roblox proper will never load properly

I never said games without StreamingEnabled didn’t experience this. I just brought it up because it could be one of the numerous reasons for the assets not to be loaded.

Mobile working the best out of all my platforms. Only some item textures won’t load, rest will.

My friend seems to be having this issue I had him reboot his router didn’t seem to work, the only temporary solution that is working is a VPN. Hope this gets fixed soon!


I’m now getting the same error message pop-up at times, and more:

  • ‘Unable to load plugin icons’ for some plugins at times.
  • LoadAsset() sometimes loads some of my packages but sometimes doesn’t. Temp read/HTTP 500 errors
  • Missing images/textures, including avatar face
  • Terrain textures can take time to load/not load, sometimes only the top or side textures load
  • Failed to load audio at times
  • Some meshes fail to load

Only seems to happen in studio for me, for now at least.
So far everything works perfectly with a VPN.


Day 4, post-latest update update: Improved so the game is largely playable again. Only things now invisible are most things on other avatars, including select body parts, clothing, accessories, and animations.


i have seen a lot of invisible textures/images, missing body parts/accessories, sounds/audio, and some meshes that will not load no matter how many times i rejoin. still annoying but its getting better. hope its fully fixed soon because it is getting annoying


Correction: improvements are only seen in a game I visit daily due to being it’s owner/admin. All other games are still not loading at all, basically.

VPN does fix this. Weird bug, super annoying. Please fix ASAP.

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Any updates on this situation, a lot of people seem to be having this issue still curious for a friend.


If you’re using MSI afterburner & RTSS then try setting application detection level to none, and closing both programs, then launch launch roblox.

issue has been getting better, about 90% of assets load for me. still annoying and disrupts gameplay. studio only loads about 50% of the assets though.

I’m having this issue too, along this error popping up every time I try to load a published place. Sometimes I’ve been able to pass it but Studio just loads the place forever and freezes.
For unpublished places, I’m able to load them yet no assets load. Same happens ingame.

It seems the issue has now been fixed :+1::fire:

I’m having the same issue as well for two weeks. This was not so bad at first because I was mostly coding. But now that I’m making new assets for my game it’s impossible to progress at a reasonable pace because meshes, images and animations don’t load in Studio. The situation is becoming so bad that even the Tag Editor plugin stopped working today.

Using a VPN but keeping the connection in my country seems to have solved the problem. All assets appear to be loading and Tag Editor is working again.

Thank you for the temporary solution!

the issue fixed completely for me but it has been occuring again, but its very minimal. only a few assets will not load every about 10 joins or so.

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That’s an interesting Issue, I have encountered something similar.

The issue is currently occurring for me as well. I’ve had the following message for the past week or so, “Sorry, this place could not be loaded. Details: HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error)” several times. Eventually, if I retry loading a place enough, it will load in. Also whenever I try to playtest through Studio about 60% of the time it will permanently hang. The other 40% will load the playtest as intended. After today’s update the issue regarding the HTTP 500 error is gone, but the playtest issue persists.

Also, now my places will only half-load in. I’m missing unions, textures, and skyboxes when loading into places.

Edit: The game will load completely if I use a VPN, albeit a little slow. I have reset my router and have a dynamic IP address so I am unsure why my own IP isn’t liking Studio right now.


I have also been consistently crashing after the most recent update, hope this gets solved soon.

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Just wanted to post an update that we are looking into this.


A lot of my friends say they are experiencing this as well. It mostly happens after finishing play testing or your studio will just freeze after doing something big.

Would like to follow-up and see if anyone is still seeing this

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