[Again, Fixed lol] [ACS Gun Kit] Why is the gun only firing once? and how do i fix the "Projector Sight"

Hello! I am having a problem when i make a custom gun the gun only fires once and the “ProjectorSight” is offset

Heres a video on what im talking about:

I looked for an answer on the DevForum and YouTube and I couldn’t find one

Info on game
Gun model: Custom MK18 + https://www.roblox.com/library/4561104325/the-comprehensive-gunk-kit?Category=Models&SortType=Relevance&SortAggregation=AllTime&SearchKeyword=comprehensive+gunk+kit&CreatorId=0&Page=1&Position=1&SearchId=309c5ec5-62a7-465a-a719-99759525bf2f
Gun Kit: ACS
Game: -No Name-
Game Genre: MIL-SIM

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Any errors in the output? Also it’s probably on semi

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Nvm I just saw the title. LOL, my bad

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I thought this was a different post lol, don’t worry about it

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Ask this question in the ACS Discord server instead of the devforum, you will be more likely to get a solution there.

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