Agent Multi Dev

Agent Multi Dev Plugin

I’m making a universal free plugin for different tasks.

At the moment it is done:

  1. DataStore
  2. Ordered DataStore
  3. Selector of objects in the workspace
  4. Snippets (quick access to code snippets)
  5. WeldConstrain and Motors6D.

How to work with the plugin is fully shown in the video instructions.

Download Agent MultiDev

1) DataStore
a) Data Stores - a list of all available datastores based on your experience.
b) Load button - loads data from the selected data store using a specific key.
c) Save button - you can enter your data and save it to the selected data store.
d) Clear button - just clears the text field for convenience.
e) Format button - if your data is a table type, then they are visible in the JSON string format. You can format this string for beauty and at the same time check the correctness of the format.

2. Ordered DataStore
Almost the same as the DataStore but Ordered DataStore

3. Selector of objects in the workspace

Selects the objects you need from the folder, model, or workspace you need, from whatever. You need to select a folder with the mouse, for example, and click on the Target button.
In the Instance field, enter what you want to select, for example, Part or MeshPart or Frame or whatever. Then press the Select button. You can also set filters for selection in the Property field, for example, select with a certain Transparency or size or anchor.
And or Or - you can select the logic of the filter using logical operators.

4. Snippets (quick access to code snippets)

You can create as many code fragments as you want and they will be saved after the roblox studio is closed. You can create, edit, and delete code snippets from the list. Code snippets will automatically pop up in the script when typing.

5. WeldConstrain and Motors6D.

You can weld models in series or in parallel. You need to select several parts in order and all parts will be welded to the first selected part. You can weld a model, for this you need to select a model and all its parts will be welded with PrimaryPart
You can also weld the motor6D while the parts will remain in place.