Agent Radius parameter for pathfinding- how exactly does it work?

Is it as simple as the number entered will be used as a radius shot from the agent, and a circle will be drawn around it functioning as its pathfinding “hitbox”, or does it work differently, like the total width of the agent?

I can tell you right now it does not have a huge impact as to how PathfindingService computes paths, seeing that the humanoid clips walls regardless of what it is set to.

I think essentially it defines the minimum amount of space needed to compute a waypoint at some position.

AgentRadius will help prevent it from clipping the edges of walls and other objects while following a path. It basically tells the agent how big it is so it can follow paths without getting stuck. Though, like @C_Sharper, it doesn’t have much of an impact, and it will still clip walls. All it does is help.

Since it is the radius, it is half of the entire size from the outer face of the right arm to the outer face of the left arm. It is easy to measure by taking a part, scaling it to fit the length of the agent, then dividing it by two. Diameter is what it is called for the full length of a circle, radius is half the length of a circle. It will essentially create an invisible cylinder around the agent that is double the AgentRadius.

It would look something like this (excuse my poor writing. It was with my mouse)

And like shown in the screenshot I provided, it also takes in account the AgentHeight, so it knows if a gap is too short for it to go through so it can avoid it.

I really recommend adding one or two to the AgentRadius to give it some extra room to fully ensure it can properly avoid getting stuck.


So is agent radius the full width of the agent, or half of it, hence “radius”?

Half of it since it is just the radius.

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