Agree to Disagree Terms of Service

Debate Server Terms of Service

Version 2024.5.22

Section 1.0 – Content:

1.1 – Who May Post Content:

By joining Agree To Disagree, you accept all terms listed in this document. While every person may post, each person is responsible for his own content.

1.2 – Privacy:

The only data we are authorized to collect is data that is provided to us by you, and data that is publicly available.

1.3 – Monitoring Content:

  • You are responsible for your use of the group/server and for any content you provide, including compliance with applicable rules and guidelines.
  • You should only provide content that you are comfortable sharing with others.
  • Any use or reliance on any content or materials posted via the group or server is at your own risk.
  • We do not endorse, support, represent, or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content or communications posted via the server or endorse any opinions expressed via the server.
  • You understand that by joining this server, you may be exposed to content that might be offensive, inaccurate, or in some cases, postings that have been mislabeled or are otherwise deceptive.
  • All content is the sole responsibility of the person who originated such content. We may not monitor or control all of the content posted via the server, and we cannot take responsibility for such content.

Section 2.0 Communication Guidelines:

2.1 – Safety:

  • Violent Speech
    • You may not threaten, incite, glorify, or express desire for violence or harm. You may not threaten to inflict physical harm on others, which includes (but is not limited to) threatening to kill, torture, assault, or otherwise hurt someone. This also includes threatening to damage civilian homes and shelters or infrastructure.
  • Wishes of Harm
    • You may not wish, hope, or express desire for harm. This includes (but is not limited to) hoping for others to die, suffer illnesses, tragic incidents, or experience other physically harmful consequences.
  • Incitement of Violence
    • You may not incite, promote, or encourage others to commit acts of violence or harm, which includes (but is not limited to) encouraging others to hurt themselves or inciting others to commit atrocity crimes, including crimes against humanity, war crimes, or genocide.
  • Glorification of Violence
    • You may not glorify, praise, or celebrate acts of violence where harm occurred, which includes (but is not limited to) expressing gratitude that someone experienced physical harm.
    • This includes glorifying animal abuse or cruelty.
  • Sexual Content
    • Sexually explicit language, meaning discussions of sexual function and organs, is prohibited, unless directly relevant to the topic of debate and discussed in a professional, respectful manner.
    • There must be a clear intent to maintain a professional and relevant discussion of the topic.
  • Private Information
    • You may not publish any private information of another person without his express authorization and permission.
    • We define private information as any data that can be used to identify an individual, online or offline. This data includes (but is not limited to), account passwords, current location, residence address, phone number, email address, license plate, and name.
      • This does not include non-textual data. Image and media are covered in Section 3.
    • If an individual’s private information has been published without his permission, you may not repost, repeat, or spread this information in any way. While we cannot prevent you from posting it in other servers, we discourage doing so.
    • We also prohibit threatening to expose private information or incentivizing others to do so.

2.2 – Authenticity, Manipulation, and Spam:

You may not use the server in a manner intended to artificially amplify or suppress information or engage in behavior that hinders the ability of others to participate. This includes posting the same message more than twice or posting a series of messages intended to flood the wall.

Misleading and Deceptive Identities:

  • You may not impersonate individuals, groups, or organizations to mislead, confuse, or deceive others, nor use a fake identity that adversely affects the participation of others.
  • You may not pose as an existing person, group, or organization to mislead others about who you are or who you represent.
  • Accounts that violate this policy will misrepresent their identity by using at least two elements of another identity, such as the display name, avatar, profile picture, or at least one false claim of affiliation with another individual or organization on the group wall or on the “About” or “Bio” section of the account’s profile page.

2.3 – Promotion:

  • Promoting of any kind, including advertising or directing to another group, game, or server is not permitted. This includes direct links, persuasion, and asking any member of the group to join another group, game, YouTube Channel, Discord Server, or any other service in which members are asked to join.
  • Exceptions:
    • A link or title directing members to a specific YouTube video.
    • A link or screenshot of a specific post in another server, as long as it is not an invite link to that server.

Section 3.0 – Media:

3.1 – Images:

  • You may not post any image that contains sexually explicit or violently graphic content.
    • Sexually explicit images may be posted in the unfiltered channel as long as they are set as “Spoiler Attachment”, which blurs the image until clicked, and a clear disclaimer about the contents of the image is presented in the same post as the image.
  • You may not post any image of a person that is defamatory or violative of his publicity rights or is subject to a reasonable expectation of privacy, without his express authorization and permission.
    • Images that have a reasonable expectation of privacy include bathrooms, non-public spaces, and any images that contain nudity.

3.2 – Videos and Other Media:

  • You may not post videos or other media that contain sexually explicit or violently graphic content, unless it is clear that the video or other media leads to that content, and is up to the discretion of other members to view it.
  • You may not post any video or other media of a person that is defamatory or violative of his publicity rights or is subject to a reasonable expectation of privacy, without his express authorization and permission.
    • Media that is subject to a reasonable expectation of privacy includes bathrooms, non-public spaces, and any media that contains nudity.
  • Posting text that violates the ToS in the form of an image or other media type is not permitted unless it is for the purpose of demonstrating a rule violation.