AI-generated Package Diff Summaries


Thank you for the feedback. The summaries are created on demand, they are not saved and they are private.

This feature is not to be confused with the Package Version Notes. If we add AI assist to that feature, it will definitely not commit without user interaction, so you’ll always have the final word.

It’s not recommended that you publish private data like a banlist as a public package or model, in that case anyone can just read that list.


Hi Martim,

To clarify, the AI does not train on any user data.


What if we don’t want this feature on our packages? We could write it as Roblox developers about summaries to them, instead of letting the AI maul our work.


So can u explain what it dose i am disable person i don’t understand please explain dose this help u with stuff or not well


Summarizing the contents of a package short and clear; that great usage of AI I wouldn’t mind seeing used in other areas as well.



Using AI to generate highlights on package differences? In my opinion, this is a waste of Roblox development resources since this really isn’t needed. AI is no substitute for proper documentation of the changes in a change log, or item notes on a backlog. Proper collaboration requires constant communication with team members.



Is there any chance of this being made available to be opened for two arbitrary Instance subtrees via a plugin? I’m developing a tool to diff models and it’d make my life a lot easier if I could just reuse the existing Roblox work!


I love this update. It really helps me a lot because sometimes I forget if the changes I made are for testing or not.



At the moment this feature doesn’t save anything to the package. The summary will go away when the dialog is closed. If you’d like to write your own summaries you could place them in Package Version Notes. Check it out here!


Thanks for your feedback. This sounds like a great idea. At the start we were focused on providing this for packages, but I can see a future where we provide diffs for entire DataModels. Exposing this in a plugin API would surely be helpful.



Thanks for your feedback! One of the challenges of this feature is to tune the response to provide the appropriate amount of detail. We hope that the summary can be brief, but also helpful. We’re actively working to balance this.

Do you think it’d be more helpful if it focused less on visual changes and more on something else?


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The main use case for me would be just diffing two models (they aren’t packages because they’re from Rojo, but in principle they’re the same thing), so even without the DataModel I’d love that!

Should I make a feature request for it? It sounds like you’d be open to exposing this to plugins in some capacity.

I did it anyways! Expose the package diffing UI to plugins for use with subtrees of the DataModel

This would unironically save me weeks of time as well as remove the burden from me to maintain a UI on my own.

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I think they’re helpful, but it should be more literal. It shouldn’t try to guess or explain reasoning, it should just explain the changes themselves. I think humans will usually be the best at determining the cause for changes so that should be left to them and the task of summarizing the changes themselves can be automated.