Hello, I’m using Simple Path Module Script and even though im using the module right the AI keeps moving towards the player then twitching back and start moving toward again. I’ve seen other posts about this but they aren’t related to my specific problem. There is multiple AI and they should only target players. The AI that appear in workspace with this script are clones from the actual dummy in Replicated Storage.
API: SimplePath
robloxapp-20240605-0930407.wmv (4.4 MB)
local RepStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local SimplePath = require(RepStorage.SimplePath)
local module = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.AI.GetClosestPlayer)
--Define npc
local Dummy = script.Parent
--Create a new Path using the Dummy
local Path = SimplePath.new(Dummy)
--Helps to visualize the path
Path.Visualize = true
while true do
if Dummy.Humanoid.Health >= 1 then
local char = SimplePath.GetNearestCharacter(script.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
Spawning Script:
local rep = game.ReplicatedStorage
local updateTimers = rep.UpdateTimers
local formatNumber = require(rep.FormatNumbers)
local enemies = game.ReplicatedStorage.Enemy:GetChildren()
local seconds = 60
local wave = 0
local spawns = workspace.Spawns:GetChildren()
local requiredBalls = 2
if seconds ~= 0 and wave ~= 3 then
seconds -= 1
local canSpawn = math.random(1,10)
if canSpawn >= 3 then -- 70% chance to spawn
local enemyToSpawn = enemies[math.random(1, #enemies)]
local randomSpawnPoint = spawns[math.random(1, #spawns)]
local enemyClone = enemyToSpawn:Clone()
enemyClone.HumanoidRootPart.Position = randomSpawnPoint.Position
enemyClone.Parent = workspace
elseif seconds <= 0 then
-- Next Wave Starts Here
if workspace.Deposit.CurrentGolds.Value >= requiredBalls then
wave +=1
seconds = 60 -- Reset to starting value
requiredBalls += 5
for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
v.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0
until wave == 3
30 minutes and still no replies…
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Couple of things you can try. First try setting the “visualize” property to true:
Path.Visualize = true
This will allow you to see where the NPC is trying to go at a specific point in time(the waypoints), which might help you find out why the NPC is “twitching”.
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I’ve done that. The video shows where they have a straight path to me but they keep going backwards
I had a similar problem in the past using SimplePath, but I don’t remember exactly how I fixed it.
I would also recommend using Runservice for loops instead of “while true do”, considering you may run into issues with lag(especially if there are multiple npcs).
RunService Heartbeat function kinda makes the path visualization act funny but I planned on using collection service when I get the individual script working so it should work but thanks for the suggestion.
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you could also try adding a cooldown to the loop and see if that changes anything
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sorry i know its been a while but did you remember how you fixed it?
I forgot to check, my bad.
Is this how you want the NPC to move?
robloxapp-20240612-1012549.wmv (2.0 MB)
yes, pretty much although I would rather there not be an delay on the movement because I wanted it to be smooth not too robotic like.
Okay I made it less robotic, I’ll send you the place file in a minute
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PathfindingTest.rbxl (67.4 KB)
Lmk if you have questions
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Thank you so much. I’ll check it when I get the chance.
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Your game works in the empty baseplate but its not working when I import it into my game, so it must be some other script in my game.
Thats strange, do you have a video of it happening?
robloxapp-20240613-2100513.wmv (2.6 MB)
The third one isn’t moving because i’m doing modifications on it to find the problem
it could be possibly performance issues?
Or because GetNearestCharacter returns any character, not just a player.
From looking at the module it should only get players
function Path.GetNearestCharacter(fromPosition)
local character, dist = nil, math.huge
for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
if player.Character and (player.Character.PrimaryPart.Position - fromPosition).Magnitude < dist then
character, dist = player.Character, (player.Character.PrimaryPart.Position - fromPosition).Magnitude
return character
--Code from module
Interesting, the API doesn’t specify. Are there any other scripts affecting the NPCs?