Hello, me and my scripter have been working on a game for a while and we are having problems with the AI. Mainly the Ai going upstairs. For some reason the Ai doesn’t go upstairs but instead keeps getting stuck on the side of the stairs and can’t find a way to get around it. Any help would be very much appreciated!
Oh I mean Making a collision part next to the stairs then adding it to a collision group that the npc can’t walk through. I think that would force it to go around but I could be wrong.
Have you tried visualizing the path and then changing settings to see what impact it has?
for i,wp:PathWaypoint in pairs(waypoints) do
local p = Instance.new("Part",workspace)
p.Anchored = false,
p.CanCollide = false
p.Size = Vector3.new(1,1,1)/2
p.Position = wp.Position
local pm = Instance.new("PathfindingModifer",p)
pm.Label = "Waypoint"
pm.PassThrough = true -- make sure the part doesn't block any new pathfinding computes
game.Debris.AddItem(p,5 + i/5) -- destroy the part after 5+ seconds