If you could, maybe you could go inside of the kit you’re using and find the idle animation playing section. Other than that, I can’t help because I don’t know how to work with that gun kit’s code
Ok so, let me tell you about the gun system, in the gun tool, there are scripts about raycast and all the important things, so anyways the important thing is that there’s a mainmodule script in the tool,
called Settings.
I tried searching for it (by pressing ctrl+h) but i could not find anything, but i dd find everything else, for example like auto, if its enabled it be full auto
On the Motor6D, try making Part0 the HumanoidRootPart (where the rig is stored). This is how it is done by the avatar importer.
Another thing you might try is no Motor6D at all. Just a WeldConstraint. If all you want is the gun to follow the arm, it doesn’t need to move on its own.
I think I know how to make the aim animation work.
First, if your using the classic Roblox Animator Plugin there should be a animation priority that is found in the three dots. The animation priority are: