Aim assist or bullet magnetism for quarter-view top-down shooter?

I’m needing a bit of help with designing aim assist for my game, which is a quarter-view top-down shooter:

Projectiles are shot directly from the player’s HumanoidRootPart LookVector, this is so that my weapons can intentionally miss while turning and in my game heavier weapons make you turn slower (its sort of a balancing thing) however there is a problem when you are shooting a moving target, especially if you are moving as well, because both you and the target is moving and the projectiles themselves have travel time. This is where my game’s shooting mechanics become very flawed feeling due to not having any sort of aim assisting or “magnetism” to my games projectiles.

(grey boxes is where the player’s position is on the server)

As you can see, me and my friend were missing a lot. We only hit each other 2-3 times. Now with that being said I need to figure out what to do, should I do aim assist, or bullet magnetism for the projectiles?

If you’re wanting to try the place out yourself, grab a friend and visit:
Currently there is aim assist, but its primitive.


Naturally, your best option is to just git gud. :fire:

If you are however opposed to this method, I’ve seen games use wider bullets, variable spread, or higher fire-rate / bullet speed for higher hit chance.

Screen Shot 2020-01-10 at 9.42.07 PM !

I would think that creating magnetized bullets or adding aim assist is a lot of unnecessary work. The problem can be solved in other ways.


Sadly that isn’t really a viable option for the game. “getting good” is too hard for the testers, out of 12 people who tested, only 1 could actually hit anyone consistently (even for stationary targets), that is not what I want for my game… it made the experience for everyone really poor. This image pretty much summed up their experience:

With that being said, some sort of aim assist is required for this game, just not sure if its better to do actual aim assisting or bullet “magnetism” for the projectiles.

As for larger projectiles, I’m not really sure how to go about implementing that as my projectiles only use raycasting for its hit detection, and rays don’t have “thickness” to them, only length.

Had a quick play using 2 players and was able to shoot both using the guides displayed.
One thought I had was:
As the game is a fixed view perhaps altering the targets light level or arranging an effect on the target that is only active when the ray has a hit that is part of that target. I was thinking about the red dot seen on a targets body just before a sniper shoots.

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With some help from @Oseday and @Weeve, I managed to do a bit of both. Thicker projectiles and aimassisting resulted in a lot more fluid combat that was more enjoyable. Also ended up solving another problem I had for lasers by adding thicker projectiles. Have a bit of code to rewrite for hit effect rendering, but other then that, this was a big improvement.


How did you do the aim assist tho