What do you want to achieve?
I want to be able to have a perfectly centered ADS system.
What is the issue?
The ADS is always off-centered and I can’t figure out how to center it.
What solutions have you tried so far?
Searched for existing devforum articles, none of them helped. EgoMoose one doesn’t fix my issue because I use attachments and not parts.
Here is the code for my ADS system:
If i add rotation it becomes even more off-centered and rotates in strange directions.
local dist = Arms.PrimaryPart.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(Arms.Client.Handle.AimPoint.WorldCFrame)
local distCF = CFrame.new(-dist.X,-dist.Y,0)
offsetTween = TweenService:Create(script.Offset, TweenInfo.new(0.25, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad), { Value = distCF })
I’ve had this issue for over 3 months but just dealed with it because if i made the mouse invisible you cant really tell how off-centered it is (but its really off-centered)
If I align it 100% centered to the iron sight it goes extremely offcentered. I have to move it a little bit to the side or up or down to actually make it look centered but then it isnt centered to the screen.
I don’t know what you mean by that but the weapon is attached to the viewmodel perfectly fine. Just how I offset the camera is wrong and I don’t know whats wrong about it.
Not sure, you Usually use CFrame:Lerp to aim a viewmodel as it is more Linear with CFrame while TweenService Performs a type of Animation with the given TweenInfo, but is less accurate doing so
Well, from the information I’m given, I think it’s a weird positioning issue. I do have one question though, and do you position your aim UI by doing 0.5,0,0.5,0 with an anchor point of 0.5,0.5? I know that’s a stupid question but that’s all I have left