Aiming Weapon Issue

Hello, So Recently I tried making an Aiming System for my Weapon, and while doing so, I stumbled Across this Error:
attempt to call a table value
Why am I getting this Error?


Weapon.ScopeData = { -- Data for FOV
	Pistol = 40;
	Rifle = 35;
	ScopedRifle = 20;
	Sniper = 10;		

function Weapon:Scope(p: Player?,Tweenable, Type, Active: boolean?)
	if Active then -- If Active is true
		Weapon.Tween:Create(Tweenable, TweenInfo(.3), {FieldOfView = Weapon.ScopeData[Type]}):Play()
	elseif not Active then
		Weapon.Tween:Create(Tweenable, TweenInfo(.3), {FieldOfView = 70}):Play() -- error line

Code Firing the Event:

InputEnter = Weapon.UserInput.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input, gameProcessedEvent)
	if Tool:GetAttribute("Active") then -- If Tool Is Active (as in Equipped)
		if Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Q or Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
			Tool:SetAttribute("Aiming", true) -- AIming is true
			Weapon:Scope(Player, workspace.CurrentCamera, "ScopedRifle", Tool:GetAttribute("Aiming")) -- Applys Scope Effect
			Events.Aim:FireServer(Tool:GetAttribute("Aiming")) -- Fires to Server
-- same thing down here but Removing
InputEnd = Weapon.UserInput.InputEnded:Connect(function(Input, gameProcessedEvent)
	if Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Q or Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
		Tool:SetAttribute("Aiming", false)
		Weapon:Scope(Player, workspace.CurrentCamera, "ScopedRifle", Tool:GetAttribute("Aiming"))
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You’re forgetting to call the .new constructor on TweenInfo (you just have TweenInfo(.3)).

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LOL, Silly Mistake,

It works now, Thanks!

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