Air conflict concept art

After emptying out my old and new falcon Blox Concept arts, i had been working on a new Roblox military flight simulator called air conflict, this is a simulator where you can fly with planes and helicopters in order to get a feeling of what it’s like to be a fighter pilot of both rotary and fixed winged vehicles. Here is the picture of my simulator idea called air conflict.

It is a little bit simple, but it was something to work on by drawing it out to complete my games and simulations idea list. That’s all I can tell and present to you.

Hopefully you have a good day at Roblox dev forum.


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Leave your thoughts on this topic and tell me what I shall improve next time on my new topic.

The concept art seems nice but difficult to understand as two things I can tell is that there’s an island on bottom left with a huge steam coming out of the volcano and a side of the island. Also there’s a palm on top of the plane.

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It’s actually a hangar that is burning, yeah so sorry for this inconvenience if this looked like a island to you.

And that was a enemy plane being shot down, so sorry Mathew.

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