Airport kiosk that I made for commission

Screen Shot 2023-01-04 at 5.04.45 PM

This was my first time creating one of these, any tips or comments for how to improve?

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Can you send pictures of different angles, it’s hard to judge with just 1 picture.

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This is just my opinion, so please don’t be offended, thank you!

May I know what you mean by “Airport kiosk”? There can be a lot of meaning to that word itself(But considering the context, I’ll treat it as the blue signs on top)

First of all, the wiggly blue lines at the back are nice, but the biggest problem is that there is basically no contrast between them and the blue background. the easiest way to check this would be to screenshot it, then use a photo editor and lower the saturation to a minimum, of course, it isn’t clear in the picture right now, and it’s mainly due to the glow effect Roblox neon bricks have, but it can still be seen that the difference between both colors isn’t that big of a difference, the problem isn’t as big on high-end devices that can run Roblox on a more detailed scale, but when you are experiencing this on a device like mobile, the neon effect wouldn’t be as bright, hence the color would kind of mix together and make it look bland. One reason why the wall colors looks nice together is because there is contrast, and it also isn’t too far off from each other that makes it look bad.

Second, not showing the picture with the ground really breaks the immersion, even just adding a single white brick to act as the floor is way better than using the baseplate as if it’s part of the map, and of course the counters, maybe it’s just personal opinion, but the difference in color just sticks out. I personally think it would be better if the blue isn’t as bright, as unless it’s smooth plastic, colors would most likely not be that bright in an airport, and by smooth plastic, I meant the ones that look like
Personally, I think with just a bit of color correction, this would easily be easier to look at, of course, if you are going for a smooth plastic look, then I suggest using Roblox baked lighting plug-on, I’ve never used those myself, but the smooth plastic in Roblox right now isn’t really that smooth, to be honest.
(The top picture is mine, and the one on the bottom is yours).

Now onto the main point of your post, the signs at the top, what isn’t wrong with it?(Not intending to be mean)
I am sorry, but it looks out of place when compared to the ones at the bottom, even the similar color scheme still makes it stand out.
For one, it’s weird how futuristic your background neon light is, but how old-school your sign is, stick to the theme. Like maybe for the blue sign, you can have a thin line or something similar to make it look more “modern” or “future” related.
Secondly, I personally think the text sticks out too much, it looks as if you slapped the text onto that sign with [Collisions] turned on, it would be better if the text isn’t just the plain old white text, I suggest adding more characteristics to that text, or add like a symbol to stick more to the airport design.
Symbols can be like:

Last suggestion: Post processing, the Bloom effect, and other effects like Color Correction can heavily impact how this will looks, hence I suggest using a bit of those to build a map/area.

How I would’ve done it if I am going according to the background light beams(This is not really polished, as I don’t really have much time, sorry):
Front view from 40 studs afar
Front right view from around 10 studs afar

Close-up shot of the letters

How it looks like without any bloom effect or other lighting effects:

In conclusion:
The build itself isn’t the best, especially considering your other posts, but I really like the cartoony numbers & letters, it’s at least not just a UI(Like most games), and overall, with a bit of post-processing, I think this would look even better, what brings it down for me is the overall blocky shape of the sign(The easiest way to fix this would to bevel it, the sign wouldn’t look as blocky and would stick to the style of the wiggly line more), I personally fixed it by adding a slightly transparent glass to the outer layer of my neon bricks, to give it more of a “neon” sign view. I also want to note that you should try to design a theme to what you are doing, as although the top is a beautifully curved shape, the texture of the glass completely doesn’t fit with this build, and the wiggly lines are overall just addition that looks off when looking at the whole thing, it would be better to use industrial lights if you are sticking more to of a modern style, and also try to use particle effects to further indicate this is a “light”, I did it because it would fit the night time theme I am trying to go for, and overall bright lights just look way better in a scene when the sun isn’t there(Because being with a gigantic light doesn’t make your normal light stand out), hence I also suggest adding sun rays for your build. I am not sure of any limitations you had, maybe this is the reason why it looks like this instead of your other builds(I’ve also checked your other builds, and to be honest, I love those a lot, so I only am replying with this many words because I do think this build is lacking something when compared to the rest, and since I am not sure what the commission is about, I can’t really do much without the guesswork, so if I am completely off from your commission, I am sorry, please take this with a grain of salt, keep up the great work.)

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There are a few definitions of kiosk… none of which imply “the signs at the top”.

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Thank you for the comment. Yes, the signs were done in haste, I could have spent wayy more time on them than I did. In regards to the neon of the signs, I see what you mean by the neon being unnoticeable on low-end devices. However, I did not intend for the neon to stick out in general, seeing as this build will be in a well-lit, open area once the project is finished (hence the glass roof) similar to Mile-High Airport tarp roofs in Colorado.

In regards to the plug-in, I will have to check it out, at the moment my employer has the atmosphere picked out already, but will check it out next time I commission my work.

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Sorry, but to be honest I am not really sure what he is referring to at that time(I didn’t travel for a long time).

And I mostly ref. the sign because the background building doesn’t fit the theme of the sign & the kiosks at the bottom, hence I’m using examples.

But thanks for pointing it out that it’s apparently the things at the bottom.

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