Akori - Standards of Professional Behaviour

:herb: Standards of Professional Behaviour
As part of the Akori team, you are expected to uphold yourself to certain standards that reflect our positive and friendly environment that provides a welcoming and professional attitude.


Honesty and Integrity
Staff are honest, act with integrity and do not compromise or abuse their position.

Authority, Respect and Courtesy
Staff act with self-control and tolerance, treating members of the public and colleagues with respect and courtesy. Staff do not abuse their position and respect all individuals.

Equality and Diversity
Staff act with fairness and impartiality. They do not discriminate unfairly.

Orders and Instructions
Staff adhere to and carry out orders and instructions. Staff abide by company regulations, policies and orders given to them.

Duties and Responsibilities
Staff are diligent in the exercise of their duties and responsibilities.

Staff when on shift or presenting themselves for shift are fit to carry out their responsibilities.

Discreditable Conduct
Staff behave in a manner which does not discredit the company or undermine public confidence in it, whether on or off shift.

Challenging and Reporting Improper Conduct
Staff report, challenge or take action against the conduct of colleagues which has fallen below the Standards of Professional Behaviour.


Should any conduct be found to have breached any of the standards above, the management team is within their right to issue a proportionate punishment. Additionally, all breaches of professional behaviour are contextual and may result in different actions depending on the context of the matter at hand. Management will make disciplinary decisions fairly and impartially.