Albert's Secret Service -- Terms of Service

Welcome to Albert’s Secret Service! Since I’ve noticed a need for rules in the group, these will be the rules and terms of service for the foreseeable future.

Terms Of Service

This section is probably the most important;

By Joining Albert’s Secret Service, you agree must to the following:
Code 001: you will not create rip off/ other versions of this group. Anything with the words: Albert, Secret, and Service in it is a violation of this agreement.

Code 002: You may not join any of these groups, or you will be on the permanent blacklist. (All blacklist bans are permanent, you may not appeal unless it was pure negligence on our part). The culture of chill, was created by Albert/Flamingo, and it is not against the rules to be in an Albert bodyguard group/chill service group, as long as it is not a clear violation of Code 001.

Code 003: You may not, at any time attempt to destroy the group. Not only is this a unappealable blacklist, no matter if it was again, negligence on our part, but you will also be reported to roblox by the entire staff team. You will not be welcome at Albert’s Secret Service.

Code 004: Creating games in which have references to Albert’s Secret Service (Unless authorized by thr co-owner of the owner) is not allowed, and will lead to a blacklist and the staff team will report your game.


Code 006: You must be at least 13 in order to join our discord server, special ops, and in order to make it into the staff team. There are absolutely no exceptions to this rule.

Code 007: A violation of codes 001 - 006 will result in the punishment we see fit unless already specified.

Group Rules
  1. Don’t beg for robux, or staff permissions.

  2. While this group does not enforce any sort of use of grammar or professionalism, if you are staff team, try to remain at least a little composed. :sweat_smile:

  3. Do not post hate towards anybody or any community on our group wall. We believe all community’s are equal and deserve to be treated the same.

  4. Please dont send us an ally request, we have 4 pages of allies :flushed: :flushed:

  5. Obviously you have to follow roblox TOS

  6. No hacking (this one should be obvious)

  7. Do not harass staff into doing something for you.


Punishments may change depending on the severity

  1. Mute. You will not be able to post on the group wall for a while.
  2. Brownout. You will not be able to see the group wall, post on the group wall, or see the group shout for a while.
  3. Blackout. You will have the same punishments as above, except for longer, and you will not be able to play any games.
  4. Kick. You will be kicked from the group.
  5. Temporary ban (Appealable) You will be banned from the group for a while via a bot I set up a while ago, but you will be able to appeal this ban.
  6. Temporary ban. You will be banned from the group for a while via the bot I set up, as mentioned above. You will not be able to appeal this ban.
    7.Ban (Always appealable) You will be kicked from the group forever. This ban is always appealable, no matter what.
  7. Flash Ban (Blacklist) You will never be allowed into the group again. This is only appealable if it was pure negligence on out part.

Hopefully, you took some time to read this all! I hope you have an amazing day!
-The Owner of Albert’s Secret Service