Too much realism?
That is literally so impressing, it looks photoshopped and I can’t believe my eyes that it’s an actual Roblox game. Indeed, it is a bit too realistic but it would definitely get you a good audience if the whole map is designed like that. Good job, hats down for you!
I had to rub my eyes when I saw this to check if it was real or not…
Amazing build, that’s all I can say!
It feels like the entire image is real noticing that the player look really out of place. Otherwise, it looks really good!
Is this Roblox? Is this all a lie? Is this Photoshopped? It looks amazing!
Danggggggg. This is amazing! Keep up the good work.
I do plan on making it like a small whole map although it’ll take a little while although I’ll post updates here
Nice, is that with Quixel Megascans?
Wow… what is your secret for making such a realistic build?
Can you give us the link to the game?? Looks a bit too good to be a Roblox game. Could be just me.
Some game footage would also help just as well
Secret is Probobly Quixel.
(30 chars)
It looks good, but the way you built the terrain kind of looks off.
In this photo, the terrain just does a 90-degree turn, and it looks kind of unnatural.
And this one looks off too, the terrain looks boxy and is doing 90-degree turns again, plus it looks like the waterfall isn’t going anywhere and is just falling on the ground.
Also, I noticed a lot of repeating patterns, probably from using the same mesh over and over again. Try and mix it up a little so that your terrain doesn’t look repetitive.
Sorry if it seems that I’m just hating on everything you create. But when you’re making hyperrealistic showcases you shouldn’t just focus on textures, details, all of that. You should also consider the layout of your place, otherwise, it might throw some people off.
Not to ‘expose’ you but you aren’t suppose to use these assets out of Unreal engine. Pretty sure you could get sued since they make you agree to it.
Damn I just found this post now, it’s crazy how something like that was made 3 years ago