Alert when exiled from a Group

As a Roblox user, it is somewhat confusing when you are removed from a group, but there is no notice sent to you by the group owner (or the person who removed you). When I am removed from a group, I generally notice a group missing, but I usually can’t figure out which one without stopping what I’m currently doing to check through every single group.

I think a notice such as the following, which appears in your notifications, would be useful to inform a person of their group removal:

Additionally, in the case of abuse, this would also allow for people who have been removed by an abuser to quickly rejoin the group.


I don’t believe “by (player)” should be included because it will encourage targeting, but some alert is definitely neccessary!


it will encourage targeting

Having the name of the person who removed you can also be great. If you happen to disagree with the removal, I’d think it’s better to ask the person who removed you (or the person of the next highest rank) rather than someone who knows absolutely nothing about the context of the removal.