Alias Update problem

Dear Roblox Forum,
Roblox just added the new Alias system, but it makes it impossible to remove the alias, if you set one.

As you can see the “Save” button is greyed out and even if I try pressing it I am not able to remove the Alias.

I would like to know how to remove it!


Exactly my thought. Roblox seems to not let you add an alias but not remove it, I recommend that you set the alias to their display name, but I don’t think it would change if the display name changed.

The only way I can see to remove it fully is to unfriend the person and add them back as a friend, this should remove the alias.

However, there does need to be a way to just remove it

I sent a Roblox Support ticket! Maybe they will explain it!!

Hmm, that’s weird. For me, I can remove it normally…

Could you tell how to do it? That would be very helpful.

Oh wow, I just tried to show you and it didn’t work!
Guess that my friend is stuck as “tester” for now… :sweat_smile:

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You still can change the Alias, but you can’t remove it once set!

This isn’t new? I remember using this a few years ago, deleting the alias afterwards because I just wanted to know what the button was.

I am not sure, if you realised, but they completely revamped the entire thing.

Hmm, that’s odd, I vaguely remember it also telling me those few years ago that I could use to more easily identify friends I had in real life or something along those lines, so I feel like the prompt itself hasn’t changed, have they released a list of changes somewhere? What’s changed?

I would recommend you going over to one of your friends’ profiles and watch by yourself! Instead of Alias under the user description there is now a little button next to the display name. It changed quicker, but you can’t set an empty alias.