Alice High School Backdoor issue (Need Help)

Hey everyone, I have recently come across a bunch of back doors that keep spreading, and I don’t know how to stop it as I’m a builder if anyone could possible give me tips/help or do it themselves please contact my discord zach#7406 any help is helpful!

ctrl + shift + f5 or f9

then search getfenv

Or search ‘request’ because it can request an id of a virus potentially?

yeah i did that but It keeps spreading when I delete them all

Are you sure you deleted all of the scripts? or rather, the correct scripts?

Look for any script that you do not remember adding to the game, you can filter scripts through the explorer

It might be a plugin that you have downloaded if it keeps adding them.

I thought it was require not request

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Oh it is require silly me :laughing:

Yea, I made sure. Once I delete them a couple hours later they’re there again.

So if you’ve ever used free models i’m sure they handle bunch of backdoors inside them, so what you need to do is search in the workspace if there’s any script, if there’s open them and press Ctrl+F then type require.

Yeah that’s what was annoying. I wasn’t the only person doing this project and I know I am on a totally different level skill level then them so they probably inserted stuff which I am trying to get out

So when it comes to building and if you got a bit of skill that doesn’t mean you need to use free models as i’m thinking create something basic at the beginning such as modern houses.

I’ve found scripts that say “buildingpackholder” and “creator” that I didn’t add

As i said, could be a plugin you or another developer have(assuming its a multiple person project)