Update Log
Play the game here.
- Removed Mode changing from Menu
- Fixed Mode Button scaling to be dynamic with screen size
- Fixed topbar messages by removing translations (Other text still can translate to spanish)
- Hard mode players receive a 10 second ForceField after respawning
- Damaging players now gives 2x more cash compared to buildings
- Modified the Mode description above the button
- Players are no longer able to damage other players while the mode change countdown is in progress
- New Ultimate UFO Bundle gamepass. Purchase any standard UFO FREE
Previous Update
- Safemode players will no longer be targeted by Helicopters
- New Radar Jammer gamepass. Invisible to helicopters regardless of mode
- Mode changing can now be done outside of the settings panel
- Changed Settings panel to Codes panel from the removal of Mode Changing (on Settings)
- Fixed bug where non-VIP members appeared as VIP in chat while non-VIP could not see other non-VIP’s chat messages