Align Position and Orientation constraints acting up

The object is supposed to sit beside me like a pet, instead its pushing me and making me fly to the sky lol.

The properties:
AlignPosition responsiveness is 20
AlignOrientation responsiveness is 20
AlignPosition MaxForce is 19000
AlignOrientation Max Torque is 23000

I think we’ll need better elaboration, but what I’m getting is that you either have Anchored set to true and you don’t need it or CanCollide set to true. If the pet is a part of the player character it might cause issues with the humanoid. If you believe this has something to do with the align properties, you’re going to have to follow up on that. :thinking:

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I agree with Avery, You do need to explain and or elaborate more.

Its probably because can collide may be on, did you make sure its off?

Yeah I shouldn’t of made the problem me flying because that was because of the real problem. I turned off cancollide now but the problem is that the alignment wont be beside me and instead its inside of me, and I need to fix that.

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I suggest (If you’re not doing it already) to tween or offset the CFrame of the pet like in example of Adopt Me and related. It will be sooo much easier in the long run and it will allow for more articulation of the pet and can be carried over in most cases. It’s easy to work with and can be useful for other things as wel…

I’m a little confused what you mean when you say tween or offset the CFrame, do you mean tweening to offset the pet from the player? And if so, I’m pretty new to scripting so I wouldn’t exactly know how to do that? Could you help?
ps: I do know the features and fundamentals of scripting I just don’t know how to execute it and write code.

I can’t really come up with something on the spot but you can have the BasePart of the model connected to the body via welding or RunService:RenderStepped to constantly be changing the object’s CFrame while having your little pet/character off the side and being freely moving, as well as animating it for extra bit of fun using the TweenService.

It’s pretty hacky, I know, but it’s a decent work around and I hope it helps in some sort of way, heh.

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