Align Text Characters to a fixed position while using minimal TextLabels

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I want to find out a way to potentially make this more efficient and use less TextLabels.

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    I have this hacking minigame where you have to find the letters that aren’t changing to complete it. The problem I have is that it utilizes 240 different TextLabels, in which I would not want to do if possible. I am trying to figure out how to recreate this exact thing I have here, just without utilizing 240 different TextLabels, specifically the character placement, I can always use an image for the changing background.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    Something I have tried doing was making it one giant TextLabel and space the Characters out, LineHeight was useful there and always worked, but the problem when changing characters is that each character needs a specific amount of horizontal spacing, causing it to shift around, something I do not want to happen.

Try using a monospace font, for Roblox’s sake, these are Inconsolata, as well any font that ends in “Mono”, this gives every character the same spacing.

From there, you can just randomise a single 240 byte string minus the characters you dont want to change

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Thanks, that worked great. When I initially made it with 1 giant TextLabel and 1 long string, I was using just Roboto, didn’t even think about monospace fonts.

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