AlignPosition & AlignOrientation for Boss Battle AI

I’m making a boss NPC for my boss battle arena that should stay in one place and lock onto the player during most of the fight. Since BodyGyros and BodyPositions are deprecated, I turned to using AlignPositions and AlignOrientations to hopefully achieve the result that I want. My issue currently is that nothing is being changed when the player tries moving around for AlignOrientation and the same with AlignPosition when I try moving the boss manually. I don’t know if it has to do with my code, my choice of using AlignPosition & AlignOrientation, or potentially external reasons like part anchoring. I am unsure if my implementation is accurate or not.

(This video shown is done locally, but doing it on the server does the same thing)

Boss AI Script:

1. as soon as this script is enabled:
	-give the boss a health bar and send it to the client
	(done)->>enable the animation script for the boss and loop the init animation
2. Some bosses will have a weak point phase and others won't so make variables for that
3. Make a loop that constantly locks onto the player until a move is being performed
4. The first main while loop will be the boss throwing punches at the player until he stops

print('AI script enabled')

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local ShowBossHealth = RS:WaitForChild("ShowBossHealth")

local bossChar = script.Parent
local bossHum = bossChar:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local bossHRP = bossChar:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")

local player = game.Players:GetPlayers()[1]

local bossMap = bossChar.Parent
local centerLock = bossMap:WaitForChild("Assets"):WaitForChild("CenterLock")

local HAS_WEAK_SPOT = false
local PHASE_1_PUNCHES = math.random(3,4)
local PHASE_1_PUNCH_TIME = 5

local phase1Active = true
local phase1ChargingPunch = false
local phase2Active = false

--Attach the boss in the center using AlignPosition
local alignPosition ="AlignPosition")
alignPosition.Parent = bossHRP
alignPosition.ApplyAtCenterOfMass = true
local posAttach0 ="Attachment", bossHRP)
posAttach0.Name = "PosAttachment0"

local posAttach1 ="Attachment", centerLock)
posAttach1.Name = "PosAttachment1"

alignPosition.Attachment0 = posAttach0
alignPosition.Attachment1 = posAttach1

--Create an alignOrientation so that the boss can constantly lock onto the player
local alignOrientation ="AlignOrientation")
alignOrientation.Parent = bossHRP

local alignAttach0 ="Attachment", bossHRP)
alignAttach0.Name = "AlignAttachment0"

local alignAttach1 ="Attachment", player.Character.HumanoidRootPart)
alignAttach1.Name = "AlignAttachment1"

alignOrientation.Attachment0 = alignAttach0
alignOrientation.Attachment1 = alignAttach1
alignOrientation.Enabled = false

--give the boss a health bar for all players
ShowBossHealth:FireAllClients(bossChar, bossHum)

--Local Functions for phase 1
local function Phase1PunchCountdown(lockOnTime)
	print('activate phase1 punch countdown')
	while phase1ChargingPunch == false do
		phase1ChargingPunch = true

-->> at this point, I don't really know what I'm doing with LockOntoPlayer
local function LockOntoPlayer()
	print('activate lock onto player')
	alignOrientation.Enabled = true
	--local connection = nil
	--connection = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function(step)
		--alignOrientation.Attachment0.Orientation = alignOrientation.Attachment1.Orientation
	--local connection = nil
	--while phase1ChargingPunch == false do
		--lock onto player
		--alignOrientation.Attachment0.WorldCFrame =, player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
		--[[connection = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function(step)
			alignOrientation.Attachment0.Orientation = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Orientation
	repeat wait() until phase1ChargingPunch == true
	alignOrientation.Enabled = false

--Main loop for the 1st phase (which is locking onto the player and sometimes throwing punches)
print('activate main loop for boss')
while phase1Active do
	--constantly lock onto the player
	local lockOnTime = math.random(10, 15)
	wait(999999) -- for testing

If you’re just trying to replace BodyPosition and BodyGyro, i.e. you want to just set the Position and CFrame (orientation) to some value, you should use the OneAttachment mode.

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