AlignPosition isn't locking on

I want to make the part follow behind me, like a pet would in simulator games. But the align position seems like it knows where it needs to go, but the part doesn’t move.

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This is the script that makes the part follow, a Local Script whose parent is the part.

	if (script.Parent:IsA("BasePart")) then
		local pet = script.Parent
		pet:FindFirstChild("AlignPosition").Position = (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * cframe.Value).Position		

I can confirm that the script is running, since the Position value inside of the AlignPosition is changing as I move around.
I also figured out that the part is aligning to the origin (0,0,0) for about 10-20 seconds, then it begins to follow behind my character.

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Did you make the part massless? Try doing that.

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Making the part massless didn’t work, the same behavior occured.

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Have you tried incerasing the max force and max axes force? also the responsiveness. these all being properties of align position

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