AlignPosition not working

(note: I looked at different posts with this issues but they still didn’t fix my issue)

Ok so I’m making a jetpack with AlignPosition and the AlignPosition is doing nothing. I checked everything and couldn’t find why it didn’t work.

AlignPosition script:

			local plrCharacter = plrWhoWantsToEquip.Character or plrWhoWantsToEquip.CharacterAdded:Wait()
			local characterHumanoidRootPart = plrCharacter:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")

			local attachementForHumanoidRootPart ="Attachment")
			attachementForHumanoidRootPart.Name = "AttachementHumanoidRootPartForJetpack"
			attachementForHumanoidRootPart.Parent = characterHumanoidRootPart
			local attachementForJetpack ="Attachment")
			attachementForJetpack.Name = "AttachementJetpack"
			attachementForJetpack.WorldPosition = characterHumanoidRootPart.Position +, 5, 0)
			attachementForJetpack.WorldOrientation = characterHumanoidRootPart.Orientation
			attachementForJetpack.Parent = playerJetpackTable.CurrentJetpack.Jetpack
			local newAlignPosition ="AlignPosition")
			newAlignPosition.MaxForce =, math.huge, math.huge)
			newAlignPosition.Attachment0 = attachementForHumanoidRootPart
			newAlignPosition.Attachment1 = attachementForJetpack
			newAlignPosition.Enabled = true
			newAlignPosition.Parent = characterHumanoidRootPart```

You shouldn’t be using AlignPosition. You should instead try using BodyForce or BodyVelocity.

But problem with VectorForce is that it doesn’t keep you at a point, it just goes to that direction, I was trying with AlignPosition that it would let me stay at that specific position.

I just looked at your code, and correct me if I’m wrong, but to me it appears you are using the AlignPosition Constraint. The constraint aligns the position relative to the other part, not to a specific position. I believe you need to use the BodyPosition Body Mover to keep the player in the air.

But aren’t Body Movers legacy or something and the new constraints should be used?

Yes, but not all of them have been properly replaced by a constraint yet.